Introduction: Yard Connect Four

About: Thanks for visiting my page. Just a little about me. I don’t specialize in any one thing. I love working with wood products and really enjoy coming up with new ways to create something. I have been woodworking…

Do you want a fun game to play? Connect Four has been a family fun game for years. It’s one of those game if its set up ready to go people will gravitate to it. The game is easy enough to play. The object is to get four of your chips in a row, up-down, side to side, or at angle. It don’t matter just have fun. For expert players try five in a row. This is a much harder task to complete, but just as fun. Now let take the game to the yard. Build this life size game and your guess will thank you.This game will get your guess up out of the chair just to play. Have fun and enjoy.

A huge thank you goes to TigerPly. has donated the plywood for this build. I have to admit I was surprised on how will the construction of this plywood. The plywood had no voids in it at all. This Premium Edge Birch Plywood is what used. Although this is not rated for out use, but it can be ordered that way.

Step 1: Work From You Plans

Rip the plywood to width and length. Layout all the measurement for the both panels.

Step 2: Lots of Holes

Many different ways to cut a circle. I choose to use a router with a 1/4″ spiral up-cut bit. I setup a plunge router to cut 3/8″ deep on the first pass. Then all the way through on the second pass. This task will take some time. You have 42 holes on each panel. Pace yourself and take as many breaks as needed.

Step 3: Leg Supports

I laid out the measurements from the plans. I cut this part on the band saw: (note) cut as straight as possible. If your off the legs will not fit.

Step 4: Round Over the Edges

Before any paint went on. I use a 1/8″ round over bit to ease the edges.

Step 5: Assembly of the Main Board

I painted the inside of the game board before putting it together. The dividers are 6 5/8″ apart. this will give just enough room for the 6 1/2″ disk to slide down. You need this spacing to be right. If its off, while playing the game the disc will lean to one side or the other. The disc will not line up with the holes on the game board and look funny.

Step 6: Uprights or Legs

The legs are mad up of two piece each. They are hinged together for easier storage and to maximize the plywood. The bottom half was cut out on the band saw. Then cleaned up at the sander.

Next I copied that piece with a flush cut bit.

Step 7: Hardware

The top and bottom are joined together with hinges. I mortised out for the hinges, but this is not required.

I placed the hinges, marked out for the hing. Then use a router to clear out the area.

Step 8: Test Fit

During the test fit. I found that I had to sand the sides of the game board to get them to fit right.

This was because the center dividers on the end was not cut straight and I had some high spots to correct.

Step 9: The Kid Test

The game board turn out great the chips are lined up perfect and no gap. The release is held on by two hinges and this latch. To release the chips undo the latch and they fall right out. Assembly is easy. Open the legs place one on each side and push down.

Step 10: