Introduction: Yet Another Line Following / Obstacle Avoidance 2WD Car

About: My goal is to captivate, inspire and engage young engineers through intriguing robotics projects. I use Arduino at my robotics workshops since it is the most cost-effective way to build a robot using commodit…

This robot car is nothing new. Instructables and Youtube are peppered with a robot car similar to this one and honestly those postings inspired me to put together this affordable robotics kit that I could handout at my Robotics workshop (level 1) for grades 6-12. As far as what it does, the title says it all (or see the video) so I won’t bore you with details. This robot isn’t going to win any competitions or awards for being best of _whatever_ but it is an affordable kit which is perfect for educational purposes.

(Update: I made a line-following billboard bot with this platform)

Step 1: Parts

This is a standard kit for my Robotics workshop (Level 1) and you can find parts on-line (except bumper). However, if you like to support my mission* of teaching youth Robotics, you may be able to order the same kit in the future. (*I only assess materials fee for the workshop.)

The kit contains:

  • 2WD car chassis w/ 2 motors, caster, and 6v battery holder (added extra holes for custom mods)
  • custom-made bumper to attach sensors (I couldn't find anyone selling this so I made it out of corner protector you can buy at Home Depot)
  • 9V battery holder
  • Arduino Uno compatible board
  • Motor shield
  • Ultrasonic sensor
  • 2 x infrared sensor
  • Mini breadboard
  • 20 x wire tie
  • 8 x 1in square foam tape
  • 20 x MF 20cm Dupont connector
  • 10 x MM 20cm Dupont connector
  • USB to mini USB cable
  • 4 x AA battery
  • 1 x 9v battery
  • Velcro strap for 6v battery holder (batteries pop out from time to time)
  • Additional flathead M3 7mm and 10mm screws for the bumper and the 9v battery holder.
  • Precision screwdriver set

While motor connectors are pre-soldered with Dupont connectors, soldering is still required for the switch. The plan for the next release is to have all Dupont connections. No soldering! Also, all the flathead screw holes have been counter-sink.

Step 2: Assemble the Car

See the presentation below for assembling the car.

Part 1: Chassis, Motor, Motor Shield, and Arduino (or compatible) board

Part 2: Sensors

Step 3: Compile and Upload

Download attached codes into your Arduino IDE, compile, and upload based on your scenario.

Step 4: Run

If you have followed my wire connections and pin assignment, the 2 codes for obstacle avoidance and line follower should run out of box. Through my Robotics workshop, my aim is to inspire younger generations to love science and engineering by making something with their hand and learn from doing it...rather than just playing games on smartphones.

If you enjoyed my tutorial and video, please vote for this Instructables for the "Full Spectrum Laser" contest. The laser-cutter would allow me and the kids to fabricate additional parts for future workshops - robot laser tag, self balacing bot, drone, etc.