Introduction: Yet Another Penny Stove- Super Simple Mix
After the earthquakes in Christchurch I became a little "survival", camper van with solar pannels, rocket fires and of course the penny stove.
Some of our locals were cooking on car bonnets over an open fire in the back yard..
I have fumbled around making these a few times and have come up with a new method to share.
This make it easy and nearly fool proof, construction time is less than a few minutes.
Step 1: Prep, Tools and Materials
All that is needed for this is two cans (preferably the same), a pair of scissors, a blade and a dart.
Step 2: Rough Cuts.
Use the scissors to roughly cut one can, leave it tall.
Step 3: Make a Flange.
This step isnt really necessary but I have included it.
Use the base of the second can to make a flange on the first can by inserting it on an angle and using twisting motion..
Step 4: Cut the Base.
Again use the scissors to cut the second can, this will set the height of the stove.
No exact measurements from me so a little trial by error is in order.
*HINT, keep it short or you will have trouble in the next step but no so short that the two can bases will coinscide whenpressed together...
Step 5: Jam the Cans..
This is the cool bit, the IP.
There is a trick of making a coin go through a hole in paper that is smaller than the coin, this is the same principal.
Place the short can fully inside of the tall can at an angle and while it is in there, straighten it up.
If the short can is too tall this causes flaws like crimping of the inner can and these can tear the outer cans sides.
If you get it right the inner can may not easily press down as there is an airlock inside, no problem once the first hole is punched you will recieve a satisfying puff of air and then it is easy to press home.
Step 6: Tidy UP.
Rough cut the tall can to suit the inner base with scissors then make a clean flush cut with the blade.
Step 7: Use the Dart.
Use the dart to punch holes as per penny stove.
I like a slow burn so tend to go for 8 holes plus the middle filler hole.
Step 8: Time for a Cuppa.
You can use as is or tidy up the rough edges with some fine sandpaper.
As noted im after a slow burn so I am playing with using a rivet as a plug for the filler hole to stop it burning from there..
Richard aka 'Joe_Doorman'