Introduction: Your Sharpie Marker Revived
Looking to expand the life of your Sharpie marker? With some basic office supplies ingredients, you can save your favorite marker from the trash!
Step 1: Grab Your Supplies
To revive a dried out Sharpie marker, you will need:
- Your marker
- Rubbing alcohol (any brand or proof will work)
- Eye or ear dropper
- Pliers (you may need two if your marker is really old and stubborn)
Step 2: Pull Apart Marker
Carefully pull apart your Sharpie marker. If you have an older marker, you may need two pliers instead of one. You will hear a loud "click" when the marker detaches. This is normal.
Step 3: Remove Ink Pad
Remove the ink pad from the marker container. Be careful to only touch the sides or you'll stain your fingers!
Step 4: Saturate Ink Pad
Using your eye or ear dropper, suck in the rubbing alcohol. Take your alcohol and proceed to saturate your ink pad. Tip: Start with 2-3 drops then wait. If you over saturate your ink pad, it will drip ink. We have noticed that 4-5 drops works perfectly - but this may vary by marker.
Step 5: Reassemble Marker
Reassemble your marker. You will hear the pop again when you put your marker back together; this is how you will know it's secure. Wait 1-2 minutes before using. This allows the ink pad to be fully saturated and ready to use. Then enjoy your newly revived marker!
BONUS TIP: You can revive your marker as long as the ink is not dried out. We'd recommend 3-4 revives, then it's time for a new marker.