Introduction: Youtube Downloader/Web Browser in 10 Minutes

About: Software engineer, Creator of Android developer suite, RDEditor(program by voice), SamsungTool, Andvanced raspberry pi NOOBS package, D1rtySn0w icloud removal

Dont let the sound of this horrify you, its much easier then it seems!

As part of my youtube series on building applications in c# for beginners here is a 10 minute video on creating your own youtube downloader/web browser! All code is done in real time so i promise you, 10 minutes is all you need!

Step 1: Creating the Browser With Youtube Download Capabillities

Step 1. Install visual studio community edition if you have not.
Step 2. Create a new windows forms project
Step 3. follow the video and in 5-10 minutes you will have your own browser/youtube video downloader
(as always here is my source code) -

Step 4. Like, share and subscribe for more !