Introduction: Youtube Without Internet for Free!

About: I enjoy trying to get the most bang for my buck with my iPad 1!
Have you ever been on the go, but you don't have internet to watch videos on youtube? Well now with cydia at hand, you can watch youtube without wi-fi! This will work on all iOS 3.x - 5.x devices. This will be one simple install that will take up 641.2 kb of space. I will also teach you how to use the app. We will go step-by-step with detailed instructions and pictures to show you visually what to do.

I was inspired to make this because...

- I always wanted to watch youtube on the go, but I never had internet.
- I now have a way to entertain myself on long trips.
- I can watch movies and listen to songs without Internet for free off youtube.

You should download this because...

- Long trips will seem faster when your entertained.
- Save money by not buying movies or songs because you can now watch them off youtube.
- Save money on the cost of 3g or 4g internet.

Step 1: Materials

For this download you will need one thing.


-Jailbroken idevice. (iOS 3.x - 5.x)

Step 2: First Download.

The first thing you will want to do is go into cydia and search MxTube. Pick the option from BigBoss (Multimedia). This will take up 642.1 kb of space for the download. This download only takes a couple seconds to be completed. It may take longer to download depending on your wi-fi connection. You will not have to restart your idevice for this process. 

Step 3: Usage.

Now go into your MxTube app. In the upper right hand corner you will see a search option. Click on that. At the top enter in a video you would like to view. (Make sure that your wifi is on.) Choose the video you please and download it in you definition of choice. You will see it download once you go back to the main window in the app. Once the download is finished, you can disable your internet connection and watch your downloaded video.


*The last picture here is not using internet. If you look in the upper left hand corner there isn't three dots in the form of a triangle shown like previous pictures. This means wi-fi is off!

Step 4: Pace Yourself

Some videos depending on their length can take a while to download. Please be patient and do not get frustrated. Some videos can take 30 seconds to download and others can take up to 2 minutes. The wait will pay off in the long run!

*The picture you see here was 11 minutes long and it took about 2 minutes to download.

Step 5: Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy watching your videos and listening to your music on the go FOR FREE
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