Introduction: Z Axis Connector for 3d Printer(connectors)

About: A random person that likes building things

I went into TinkerCad to start designing something one day and saw this contest on the main page and thought that that would be something that I could do with my spare time. A few days later I was 3D printing something and realized that my z-Axis on my printer was not very stable. After I realized that It was unstable I decided to connect it to my printer by entering it into Instructables so that other people can fix this problem if they have it. This design can also be adjusted to fit other 3D printers besides a Longer lk4.


Supplies needed:

  1. An computer that is connected to the internet
  2. A Autodesk account for Tinkercad
  3. Something to measure your printer with(only if you are going to print it)
  4. A basic knowledge of designing

Step 1: Make the Base

To make the base you will need to create a cube and change the measurements to 14.5mm wide, 47mm long, and 9mm tall. Next you should create a duplicate of the first cube that you make and change the measurements to 26mm long and 7.5mm wide. Place the 2 shapes that you have made side by side like shown in the picture.

Step 2: Adding Fittings

The fittings are the things that will fit inside the grooves on your 3D printer creating a stable connection. If you are going to print this and if you do not have a longer lk4 3D printer you can adjust the measurements on this step to make them fit your printer. The next thing that you will need to add to your design is a cube and change the dimensions of it to 9mm long, 7mm wide, and 21mm tall. After you make the shape put it on the back corner as shown in one of the pictures. Next create another cube and change the dimensions to 26mm long, 7mm wide, and 12mm tall. After you create this shape place it in the spot in the top right corner where it fits like one of the images shows. After this you need one more groove that goes on top of one of the pieces that we already made in this step. To add the last piece on this step create a cube and make the dimensions 12mm long, 7mm wide, and 19mm tall. Place the new Piece on top of the tall piece that we already made as shown in one of the images.

Step 3: Housing Space for the Z-axis

This is the part that will fit the top of your z-axis bar on your 3D printer. To start off create a cube with the dimensions 26.5mm long, 12.5mm wide, and 19mm tall. Position the shape 33.5mm away from the right side of the shape. Next, create a cylinder then make it a hole with the diameter of 8mm and a high of 16mm. Place the Cylinder 1.5mm from the front edge then center it in-between the other two edges. Finally, group all of the shapes together and then you can 3d print.

Step 4: Finishing

(This step is only if you are going to 3D print your design.)

to 3D print this I moved one of the pieces that overhung too much and printed it separate then glued it on after the print was finished. I also used Cura to slice this design so I will give you my print settings

  • bed temp 60 degrees C
  • nozzle temp 205 degrees C
  • layer height .3mm
  • infill 20%

After you finish printing lightly sand the design and paint if you want to.