Introduction: ZKAR All Modded Up

About: I have Knex stuff on my page. Don't follow me, because I'm not really going to post much, if at all. Feel free to use anything I've made, just make sure to give credit if needed. My old account is TheChemik…
These are 4 mods that I could fit on the zkar at once that all improve performance or connivance.

They are:

-No broken part in the bullet lock - Mepain

-Better pin guide - Kinetic (This is probably the best and most helpful, because I don't know about you guys, but I had lots of trouble with zak's, his was just terrible. You had to tape it, the pin guide had to be a grey rod so it could bend, and it never attached right. For a while I just took it off, until I saw Kinetics on his vice ckg)

-New trigger that blocks farther back and does not bend or need tape - Me

-Top loading mag with a lock-down pusher to make loading easier - BakenBitz (GrandeSwag)

I got lazy on the stock, so what.

Oh and credit to zak (knarez) for the original design.

Sorry the image notes suck, I can click and make one, but they are all the same square shape, so sorry if I don't seem to point out something well with a box.