Introduction: Zip-up Earphones
A lot of people are tired of trying to untangle their earphones like me. More and more people use earphones for their zooms and it wastes time trying to untangle your earphones, so I thought of a way to solve the problem. What came up is you just have to put a zipper on it. If you do this it will not tangle and your wires will be organized, it will also make your earphones look even better.
1. Zipper
2. Earphones
3. Needle
4. String
Step 1: Stitch the Earphones on the Zipper
Place the earphones on the zipper’s fabric and fold the fabric then using the needle and string stitch the fabric.
Step 2: Repeat Last Step
Do the same thing as the last step.
Step 3: Putting on the Zipper
Put the zipper on both sides and zip it up, but don’t zip it up completely so you can put it on your ears.
Step 4: Done!
Now you are zipped up and ready to go!