Introduction: Adafruit Wave Shield + Arduino Uno R3 = ALARM (knight Rider)

About: I am a problem solving beast on a tiny mission to master the Arduino environment.

Our warehouse got broken into a while ago and they have stolen two bikes and my laptop which I have just repaired. The laptop is not worth much, yet it is (was) of a massive, personal value to me and it is rather a shame if something gets nicked from your house, in the middle of the night, whilst you have some great dreams and all that...

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have decided to build an alarm using the arduino uno R3 and the adafruit wave shield. Initially, I wanted to have an audio (the alarm sound) played + whilst it is playing have six leds flashing - knight rider style! 

That `s the result:  


Step 1: Components Needed

Here are the components you`ll need:

1 x arduino uno R3 
1 x adafruit wave shield 
1 x button
1 x SD card
1 x IR Sharp 2YOAO2 
1 x 4 x 5 Prototyping Board
1 x regulated adaptor
7 x standard leds (3.4V / 20mA)
7 x resistors (100 Ohm)


1 x PC power box (emptied)
1 x pot of masonry paint (black)


Step 2: Schematics + Co.

first step:

attach your leds and IR sensor to the wave shield according to schematic (NOTE: Please, attach everything according to schematic / I haven`t read the FAQ on here and attached the leds to pins already used by the waveshield as you can see in the picture below)

DO NOT forget to shield the bottom part of the arduino with a piece of plastic or araldite. I used both options just to make sure that it won`t short circuit later when its attached it to the metal box
second step:

attach your button to adaptor 

third step: 

mark and drill holes as you wish ( see my pics for reference) + I assume that you have some knowledge on how to drill and cut holes into metal. if not, then please, do not hesitate to ask me. I most definitely will help you with your choice of tools

forth step: 

put the components into the right place (NOTE: If you wish to paint your box black I would strictly advice you to do so before the assembly)


Step 3: Code + Audio


I have downloaded the alarm sound (for free and legally) of a random website (Just google it!) . I have edited it according to my requirements. If you want this particular file please get in touch (I tried to upload it, but it didn`t work) and I`ll try to send it over to you. However, I believe you should try and produce one yourself to be LEARNING BY DOING! 
Plus, I have also edited its quality (mono + kHz) so that the wave shield could play it without any problems. Please, refer here for additional info about the wave shield. I do advice you to read through ALL the info there is to save your time. 

I have done that mistake and ended up spending more time building that thingy! 

As for the code: I didn`t write it all myself but rather mix it using different open sources and added a few bits and bobs. 

waveshield code examples 

knight rider code 


and DO NOT hesitate to comment if you think that something needs improvement...

for further queries contact me through here:
