Introduction: Alice in Wonderland Costume - Armor Medieval
armadura en cuero y lamina de foamy
Leather Armor sheet of foamy (EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate)


Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

lamina de foamy termoformada
thermoformed sheet of foamy

Calienta el foamy en un horno domestico por unos pocos minutos
coloca la forma de alambre sobre la lamina caliente
presiona con una pieza de madera
corta la forma termoformada
Pintar con pintura de aluminio

Preheat oven foamy in a household for a few minutes
the form of wire placed on the hot sheet
pressed with a piece of wood
thermoformed short form
Painted with aluminum paint

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Halloween Contest

Fourth Prize in the
Halloween Contest