Introduction: Arduino Control Leds With a Pot Meter

this is just a fun easy project.

Step 1: Parts

3.usb cable
4. 4 leds
5. 4 330 ohm resistors
6.10k pot meter
7. and fun

Step 2: First

insert al the leds in the bread bord.

Step 3: Then

then you must insert the resistors.
led 1 to pin2
led 2 to pin 3
led 3 to pin 4
led 4 to pin 5

Step 4: Tree

then in sert the pot meter
pin 1 to ground
pin 2 to analogpin 0
pin 3 to +5 v
oke youre al done now yust
the code

Step 5: The Code!!!!

the code i have writen
is below