Introduction: Bedroom Fx Ep.1 Money Wad Prop

About: I'm a DIYer. (Arent we all?) I like making things do things they're not supposed to do. Usually, they work for about five minutes, then explode in flames. XD I am an ultra Minecrafter (username=NO0B97) who ha…
I was crushed when indymogul stopped backyard FX. so in this instructables series i'm gonna show you how to build CHEAPER props.
This is a build ranging from $1-$100 depending on your cash.

Step 1:

Supplies: loose leaf paper, dollar bill, scissors, and a pencil.

Step 2:

trace your dollar on a sheet of the paper.

Step 3:

cut it out. reapeat  steps as many times as necsasary. (1 sheet equals about 4 bills.)

Step 4:

stack evenly. place bill on top.

Step 5:

fold in half and use extra strip of paper as money wrap.

Step 6:

(OPTIONAL) write how much ca$h you want it to be on the wrap.(I chose a million.)

Step 7:

Done. one beautiful money wad.