Introduction: Bunch of Leaves - Felt Bag
I want to show how to make this felt bag.
Step 1: The Supplies We Need
We need:
1. Two or more diffrent hue of green felt
2. Brown felt
2. Scissors
3. Thread (green)
4. Needle
5. Lining
6. Handle
7. Bag frame
1. Two or more diffrent hue of green felt
2. Brown felt
2. Scissors
3. Thread (green)
4. Needle
5. Lining
6. Handle
7. Bag frame
Step 2: Felt Leaves
Felt leaves:
We cut a lot of leaves out of green felt.
We prepare pattern of the branch.
We cut a lot of leaves out of green felt.
We prepare pattern of the branch.
Step 3: Felt Leaves Next Step
Make leaf veins with thread. Use earlier made pattern to make a felt branch. Sew ready leaves to bag's frame. We need two copy of it. Sew them togeter and add lining.
Step 4: Sew in Bag Frame
Sew in bag frame
Step 5: Final Stage
In the end we need to sew in handle. That's the end :-)