Introduction: Care for Your Bb Gun

About: i love dogs and i have had them all my life.i love knex even thought i havent got any.i live in a brand new house and i do footy at school and swimming every wesnesday and monday.
This is all about looking after your bb gun so your bb gun doesn't get broke

Hope you like the Instructable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step 1:

Always buy the write size bb bullet because if you dont then it is to big to use.

If you have to cock the gun back then never point it down because a bb bullet sometimes fall out (if its cheap).

Step 2:

If you have some WD40 then use it for you bb gun.What you do is spray the the WD40 down it and it makes the bb come out smoother (Dont always try this because sometimes it doesnt work) .

And that is how you care for it...