Introduction: Cat Tree Endless Entertainment for Your Furry Friends

About: I love K'nex, Plants, Electronics, Computers, Linux, Fish, Arduino, Minecraft, and my cat Serena (the cat in my profile picture)
In this inscrutable you will learn to make  an cat tree that will forever keep your cats occupied
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Step 1: Supplies

cats Duh
1 large wire spools
1meadum spool
2 small spools
brain, feet etc.

jig saw
carpenters square
whole saw
drill with Philips screw driver bit

Step 2: Make Your Mark

if you don't want it to be in a corner don't do this if you do use your carpenters square to make a 90 degree angel then transfer it to all the spools then cut all your marks.

Step 3: Wrap It Up

locate the bolts on top of your big spool then use your whole saw bit to drill wholes on the bottom of medium sized spool corresponding with the bolts on the top of the big spool.

Step 4: Finshed

Now screw it all together make sure the wholes are aligned with your bolts and your done now your cats will be forever thankful.