Introduction: Chopper Cycle
I have had lower back problems for 15 yrs and have been told by my doc to stop cycling insted i have made myself a life size chopper cycle. It started out as a 24" mtb that cost me $30, steel pipe worth $35 and my welding and prefab skills i used the front forks, rear triangle, crank and down tude the rest of the frame i custom built my self to fit my body size the front forks i cut and extended and then modified to look like full size fork. on the frame i put a second crank and ran a double crank with a chane lift, i perfabed a rear web wheel gard and installed on the rear triangle, i have front and rear breaks and rear gears, the finished product rides like a dream. Have fun building your own .here is a help full link on rake and trail for motor bikes but the principals are the same