Introduction: Chopstick Rollercoaster
- saw
- hot glue
- styrofoam ball
Step 1: Cut Some Chopsticks
cut the chopsticks, the flat parts
leave the pointy end for a different instructable
Step 2: Glue the Chopsticks As This
use the hot glue gun and join two chopsticks over the 2" sticks
leave one above the line, this will give a angle to join the rail of the roller coaster
(of love?)
make several couples
leave one above the line, this will give a angle to join the rail of the roller coaster
(of love?)
make several couples
Step 3: Start Glue the Rails
glue the rails togheter
use 2" flat sticks to join them
assemble the roller coaster
use 2" flat sticks to join them
assemble the roller coaster
Step 4: Roll the Ball
try it