Introduction: Computer Window Engraving
finally, a simple guide to making a killer engraving on a computer window (or whatefer else you want) without paying an arm and a leg, unless that is you cut them off with the dremal tool.... and in that case, support your local ER lol :P
Step 1: The Tools of the Trade
What you use to etch your window makes a big difference. You can use acid, lasers or sandpaper to etch or engrave something but the tequnique i'm teachnig you is using a Dremal rotary tool. I use a number 105 engraving bit in my dremal tool. you can use a 106 bit of you want a slightly bigger cut but it dosen't really make that much difference. You'll notice that the end looks like a reeeeally tiney ball. there is another bit thats called an "all purpose engaving bit" or something like that... stay away from it!! it looks like a flat circular bit at the end and it makes the cutting really uneven. it does make a kind of nice beveled look but if you have any curve at all it will look like junk. here's a pic of a #105
Step 2: Transfering the Image
ok, as many people have pointed out, i probably should include a step as to applying the image to engrave. this is really simple! You can simply place the printed off image under the window. ta-da! done lol. you may want to outline everything that you are engraving in a dark marker or pen (either on the paper or on the window itself), it'll help a lot. oh, and one thing, engrave on the inside face of the window. it'll look better.
Step 3: Ok Get Comfy... You'll B Here 4 a While
now, grab some good tunes, find a comertable chair and and get a nice big caffinated beverage (Monster all the way!!!!!!) make sure that you can see what your doing, i suggest a dark blanket behind the window to see the etch as you do it and gooood lighting.
Step 4: Begin Engraving....caaaaarefully
ok now you should b ready to begin engraving. set your dremal tool to the slowest setting it has. hold it like a pencil with your dominate hand and use your other hand to help guide it. most importantly TAKE YOUR TIME! there is no rush, just take a little off at a time.
Step 5: Ok One Last Step.... Well Sorta
ok now you have an engraved window. YAAAAAAY lol! step back and replace your window.
now, i probably should have put the disclaimer at the begginning but this'll do :P there are 2 points i want to stress, you are working with a power tool, if you drill through your window, the table, your leg....whatever, dont come crying (and bleeding) to me. secondly: this is totally permanant, u screw up here and there's no going back so once again, if you drill through your brand new $4,000 computer because you'r an idiot, keep it to yourself and dont blame me....
happy engraving!
now, i probably should have put the disclaimer at the begginning but this'll do :P there are 2 points i want to stress, you are working with a power tool, if you drill through your window, the table, your leg....whatever, dont come crying (and bleeding) to me. secondly: this is totally permanant, u screw up here and there's no going back so once again, if you drill through your brand new $4,000 computer because you'r an idiot, keep it to yourself and dont blame me....
happy engraving!
Step 6: Its Mine , Its My Own, My Precious... Lol
ok, well here's the moment you've been waiting for (I'M SURE lol) here's my engraving and my computer. i painted my engraving with a glow-in-the-dark paint, it makes it stand out and if i ever get a uv light it'll really glow like there's no tomorrow. This isn't the best engraving job around by a long shot but even a simple pic will make a plain window look amazing!