Introduction: Crossbow Mods
I turned this toy crossboy into a pin shooter it is really easy to make
Step 1: What You Need
what you need is the cross bow on the intro my little bro got it for his b-day a chopstick or one of my throwing spikes from my other instructable a pecil sharpener and a sharp knife
Step 2: Cut the Dart
the cross bow set come with 3 darts use the sharp knife to cut the front of the dart off there should be a little hold where u cut it off
Step 3: Sharpen the Chop Stick
use the pencil sharpener to sharpen the chop stick. if u dont have any chop sticks use one of my throwing spikes in my other insructable but bend the end all the way down so it can fit into the hole in the dart
Step 4: Loading
stick the chop stick or spike into the hole in the dart the stick the dart all the way into the bow then pull back the handle to load the bow
Step 5: Firing
just pull the trigger to fire,but be carful this could badly hurt someone so never aim at a person or can go buy some stryofoam to shoot into just make sure nobody gets hurt