Introduction: Crystal Geode Out of Borax and Ect.
Are you a rock or crystal lover? have you ever wanted to grow some crystal geode for less than 5.00$? now you can make crystal geode out of clay and borax!
NOTE: do not eat borax!!! and this is first my instructable
NOTE: do not eat borax!!! and this is first my instructable
Step 1: Things You Need:
air dry clay , borax , water ,kettel
Step 2: Sculpt Your Geode With Clay
sulpt geode with clay but make sure you put food coloring with it! (any color)
Step 3: If You Want You Want to Make Your Geode More Realistic
your geode will look kinda like your color with spots with white in the back round. In the core of the geode add more food coloring in it. With your gloves on rub food coloring until it covers the whole core.
note: add more food coloring if you need to
note: add more food coloring if you need to
Step 4: Let It Dry in Sun-light
let it dry until very hard
it takes three days for it to dry rock hard
it takes three days for it to dry rock hard
Step 5: Solution
after three days pour borax in geode
Step 6: After Boil Let Kettel Sit for Five Mins
it will melt your geode after 5 mins it wont
Step 7: Pour
pour water into geode
Step 8: Let It Sit for 5 Hours
Step 9: Done After All That
decorate in room or house