Introduction: Distance Measurement With 2.4 Ftf and Ultrasonic Sensor

this is very simple arduino circuit with HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and 2.4 inch tft display, powered by arduino uno.
the arduino uno calculate the distance and update the display every 1 second.

watch this video to see how it works.

Step 1: Tools and Parts

the only tool we need is a pc with arduino IDE.

in this example we use the Adafruit_GFX library to use the tft display.

required parts:
1 ARDUINO UNO + 2.4 TFT (you can use any arduino you want..)

1 ultrasonic sensor

20 jumper cable wires

1 6v battery or power supply

Step 2: Conecting and Coding

the tft shield can fit to the arduino but the ultrasonic need some wires.

connect the ultrasonic sensor trigger pin to the arduino pin 11

connect the ultrasonic sensor echo pin to the arduino pin 10

connect the ultrasonic sensor vcc to 5v

connect the ultrasonic sensor gnd to the gnd

upload the code and make a test