Introduction: Duct Tape Wallet With Picture
this is a long lasting duct taoe wallet what has a picture slot and credit card holder
Step 1: Materials
duct tape, sizzers, plastic inserts
Step 2: Cut
cut two pieces of duct tape 10 inches long
Step 3: The Base
put one piece of duct tape over half of the other one face down.
Step 4: Keep Going
keep doing step three flipping it over after the step until you get it seven inches tall
Step 5: Trim
fold down both sides then trim it until you have a nine by seven piece of tape
Step 6: Fold
fold the tape down and tape the sides so its statys like that
Step 7: Credit Card Holders
repeat step three and four but this time make a nine by five inch rectangle
Step 8: Rectangles
cut the tape into four rectangles take three put one half way above the other tape the back together and tape it to the wallet
Step 9: Pictre Holder
take the plastic insert go to the bottom and cut off a rectangle the taple to wallet
Step 10: Your Done
now you can decorate it