Introduction: Ear Phone Organizer

About: I make stuff.

This is an easy project to organize your ear phones  so the don't get tangled 

Step 1: What You Need

- Old head phones
- Scissors or knife
- Hot Glue
- Toothpick
- Styrofoam

Step 2: Step 1

 First cut off the end that plugs into the sound imput

Step 3: Step 2

cut out a piece of Styrofoam  about an inch to an inch in a quarter long 
and about a half inch thick 
Tip:make sure one end comes to a piont

Step 4: Step 3

Poke the tooth pick in the pointed end of the  Styrofoam  then hot glue the  other end of the tooth pick  to the  audio input you cut off earlier.
the audio input part is mostly for easier use to plug into your iPod or other audio device.

Step 5: End

This is what it should look like in the end

UP! Contest

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UP! Contest

Instructables Design Competition

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Instructables Design Competition

Pocket Sized Contest

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Pocket Sized Contest