Introduction: Easy Gifts: SALT & SUGAR SCRUB!

A couple days ago my cousin gave my mom, a tropical bath scrub. Being my odd self, I read the ingredients to find although there were many unrecognizable words, there were also many common words.
I researched a bit, and I took bits of what I learned and combined them to create a salt and sugar scrub, made with all common household items.

I realized that instead of buying $10-20 scrubs you could make it yourself! I had to spread my excitement and what's better than making an instructable!

Salt & sugar scrub is super easy and perfect for gifts! I hope you enjoy it and make lots of bath scrub to use!

In this instructable my units of measurements are spoonfuls. One spoonful is about one tablespoon, but it really doesn't matter.

Step 1: Ingredients:

-olive oil (almond oil works too)

-baking soda (A&H FTW)

-cane sugar

-turbinado sugar (or brown sugar, both would be lovely)

-sea salt

-vanilla extract (or essential oils)



-plastic bag (clean jar is better, plastic bag is cheaper)

-sticker paper (totally not necessary, use tape and regular paper, 100% cheaper)

Step 2: Add Cane Sugar & Turbino Sugar:

1.) In your bowl add 3 spoonfuls of white cane sugar.

2.) Then add 3 more spoonfuls of turbinado sugar (or brown sugar)

For this scrub sugar is the main ingredient. Sugar is lovely and skin softening.

Step 3: Add Salt & Baking Soda:

1.) Next add a spoonful of salt: Salt has a great texture and is an ingredient in most bath scrubs.

2.) Add a spoonful of baking soda: Baking soda makes your skin amazingly soft. It's great plain even but better in a scrub.

Step 4: Stirring Your Scrub:

1.) Stir your mixture until all lumps are gone and it is smooth and one color.

(This step is actually fun, all the colors mix and it's pretty)

Step 5: Oil & Stirring:

1.) Add a spoonful of oil and stir it in.

2.) Keep adding 1/2 spoonfuls of oil and stirring until your scrub has the consistency of a slushie (slushie=oil is spread out and plentiful, but there isn't a pool of oil)

3.) Add about two drops of vanilla extract. You can replace the extract with cinnamon or any essential oils but I prefer a simple scent.

Step 6: Finishing Touches:

1.) Spoon your scrub into a plastic bag carefully.

2.) Then add a label onto your bag (optional but pretty). Tape and paper works swell.

3.) Finally enjoy your sugar and salt scrub or give it away for someone else to enjoy!!!

I hope you enjoyed this instructable! Please critique it as much as you want!
Feel free to ask any questions, and if I made any mistakes let me know.

Goodnight everyone. -falls asleep-