Introduction: Extended Vulcan Clip
Thankyou for looking at my instructable about vulcan extended clip
ask an adult before completing this and good luck
this is the finished clip and my vulcan
ask an adult before completing this and good luck
this is the finished clip and my vulcan
Step 1: Step1
First you will know that you recieve 2 clips
at the end there is a grey plastic thing of each clip
at the end there is a grey plastic thing of each clip
Step 2: Step 2
Now with one clip remove the screws at take the grey thing apart and do the same with the other clip
it should look like this
it should look like this
Step 3: Step 3
with the left clip look where the 4 holesw are get a knife or something sharp and ut between the 2 middle holes
Step 4: Step 4
now put the left clip with the hole through the grey thing inside and put the right clip through the 4 holes again
Step 5: Step 5
now put the top back on and screw together tightly
Step 6: Finish
now it should look like this
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