Introduction: Fish-magnet

About: My name is Carolina Hunrichse, i'm an art teacher, and also make paper mache

how to make an amazing fish magnet out of paper macheee

Step 1: Get News Paper

get some news paper and  start shredding all of it, mix it with some water and put it on a blender

Step 2: Strain It

starin the ground paper on a fabric

Step 3: Mix the Pulp

mix the paper pulp with glue and stir
add some powder cast and 2 spoon of PVA glue

Step 4: Cut the Cookie

get some cookie cutter (a fish)
put some already mixed pulp on it and let it dry for about a week

Step 5: Sand It and Paint It

get them white painted

Step 6: Paint It With Nice Colors And..

get the fishes paint
and put some silicon glue with a magnet on
you can decorate your fridge with several of them
also you can varnish them for more durability

i hope you enjoy it