Folded Cardboard Window Blind


Intro: Folded Cardboard Window Blind

I live in northern Sweden, and in summer - there's no sunset it never gets dark.

Our house has many big windows and I'm simply too cheap to buy that much window blinds :P

I came up with this inexpensive, easy and yet decorative window blind.
It takes about 30 minutes to make one.

STEP 1: Materials

You'll need:
a big sheet of cardboard (the one i used was kind of sloppy and had a lot of holes in it - you may choose a nicer one)
some twine
a long straight piece of lumber or anything else - it has to be straight thats all, you'll only need it as help for cutting)
a knive or cutter
2 hairclips or clothespins

2 hooks or heavy stones

1 big needle for the twine (works without but it'll much easier with the needle)

STEP 2: Measure Your Window

measure your window, and add about 20inches to the height.
cut your cardboard the same size.

you'll need to know the depth as well.

STEP 3: Impress the Cardboard :)

you measured the depth of your window - right?
let' say it is 5 inches deep, than you'll make your foldes about 2,5 inches.

mark lines with for example 2,5 inches distance,
take the straight piece of lumber (or whatever you use) and place it on the cardboard.
now takte the BACK of your knife or cutter and impress every second line,
DON'T CUT THROUGH the card board, the lines are only a help for folding the blind. you won't need much pressure.

See the pictures.

STEP 4: Folding

no fold the cardboard in every line - all in the same direction!
press the fold hard with your hand.

see the pictures

Now turn the sheet around.

STEP 5: Impress Other Side

now impress the remaining lines on the other side, and fold them too.

you'll end up with a zig-zag folded cardboard.

STEP 6: Drill a Hole and Thread It

now take your drill and drill a hole through  the folded blind.

take the twine and thread it through the holes.

if you have a big needle, life will be much easier ;)

make a knot on one end, (see the pictures)

Now repeat this on the other side.

STEP 7: Mount the Blind

mount the side with the knot, on the upside of your window.

i chose too clamp it between the window an the frame, for a more permanent solution, you may use skrews.

tense the both twines on the bottom of the window, i used two heavy stones, for a more permanent solution use hooks.

STEP 8: Adjust Length

to adjust the lenght of the window blind, use the hairclips or clothingpins as shown in the pictures.

STEP 9: Admire Your Work :)


do fluorescent paperboard catch fire from sun heat?

need expert help.

Good Stuff, Mimikry! Thanks so much for sharing!

I have a street/security light problem that this fine instructable could help with. I like the cardboard look, but others are already coming up with ideas to modify the look. One can imagine a block print or stencil scheme before scoring the folds...

Same here and it is setting off my son's epilepsy as his trigger is sleep deprivation so I'm going to give this a try to see if it solves the problem! Thank you for this!

how about $1 mylar emergency blanket glue or stapled on the sunny side?
Also a reuse jacket Cord Stopper to hold it in place.
Great Ible !
I was thinking on using aluminium oven foil using water diluited vinilic white glue as I did in another project of cardboard sun furnace It's completely UV resistant
I was thinking along those lines too, if you thread from the bottom up into an eyelet or closed hook on each side, using enough cord on one side to go across the width and back down one side and the other length of cord just to go back down, secured nicely in a recycled cord lock from

I also thought about painting the next ones, i've got large windows (southside it gets really hot) in my livingroom, that need blinds.
I'm trying to improve the look and function.

I thought about very strong Velcro to mount the blinds to the frame, without drilling holes.
This is super awesome!!! The beat up cardboard almost looks like a thick linen fabric from far away. I couldn't see the pics very well on my phone so please excuse me if you have done this already, perhaps you could do a faux finish on the cardboard to make it look almost like a nice burlapy material. I would paint the board lightest brown or a darken off white then take a screen with large holed mesh and use it as a stencil to paint an off white color on top of the darker color. I'm thinking it would give it an old rough linen look. If that's your thing..... Thanks for the idea, I've got some bay windows and wardrobe boxes calling my name!!!!
Great instructable, thank you for the idea. I was thinking of some kind of new project on discarted free, dry, clean, cardboard waiting in the basement for weekly junk collecting .  I like this  kind of extremely low price or free recycling. I think your blinds may be more cold insulating than a common weight fabric courtain. Well done.!
Thank you!
I think the "airpockets" in cardboard should be helpful for insulation, but I'm not sure how much effect it really has :)

Two thumbs up. there is so much carboard out there, and this is a very useful idea, with recycling in mind.
Is that smiling doggy an english bull terrier? I think it is. A great mice hunter and great chair destroyer !
that poor dog!!! :( but he looks so cute!!!!!! 8D
ha nice picture :)
great!!.. i like it.. thanks for sharing..
To avoid using clips or clothespins, I just cut two small pieces of 3/16" luan, and drilled two holes in each piece, threading the string through it much like a belt buckle, and the weight and gravity tightens the strip on the string, holding the shades up. It's easy to slip up and down the string, too.
this is a cool idea!! TY for sharing.

You can use most any kind of material, just make sure it's stiff...or starch it untill it is stiff.
I used wallpaper to make mine. If you use wallpaper, make sure that it does not have glue on it or that it is NOT pre-pasted(comes with glue already on it) or it just might end up sticking to your windows or walls.

That was my first mistake using wall paper. LOL

TY again for sharing.
good idea with the wallpaper - the blinds could match the rest of the room.

i've never seen pre-pasted ones in Sweden but i'll think on it when i buy some :)
if wall paper is pre-pasted, glue it to the cardboard for a sturdier blind, endless choice of colour/pattern too!

Great recycling ;o)
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