Introduction: Hammer Door Knocker

About: I'm16 and in my free time I control cockroaches, weld, make canoes from duct tape, 3D print, make helmets, light big pieces of wood on fire, and other awesome stuff

this will show you how to make a hammer door knocker

It is loud and when someone knocks you will know someone is at your door

Step 1: Parts and Tools Needed

  1. old wooden hammer
  2. piece of wood (mine was left over from cabinets)
  3. hinge (from a box of junk)
  4. piece of metal (from a metal chimney
  5. 6 small screws
  6. a drill
  7. drill bit (needs to be a little bit smaller than the screws)
  8. drill bit (needs to be bigger than the threads but not bigger than the head)

Step 2: Drill Time!

mark and drill the pilot holes and install the hinge

then mark where the hammer will hit and put the piece of metal there

you will need to use the bigger drill bit on the piece of metal (DO NOT DRILL INTO THE WOOD)

Then switch to the smaller drill bit and drill into the wood

Step 3: Finish!


Tools Contest

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Tools Contest

Guerilla Design Contest

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Guerilla Design Contest