Introduction: Homemade Glowing Water and Glowing Stick

Haloween is getting near so I decided to make a glowing sticks out of pen

Step 1: Materials

you'll need is highlighter, hbw pen (or any pen), sealant, UV light, cup, water

Step 2: Highlighter

get your highlighter

Step 3: Uv LIGHT

get your uv light and put it on the side of the water

Step 4: Chemistry

get your highlighter and mixed up with water then wait until the water glow

Step 5: Almost Done

this is what it looks like but my glowing water is not glowy so i decided to put uv light later when it transfer in a pen

Step 6: Transfer

transfer the water in the pen

Step 7: Sealant

get your sealant and by the way you can buy this at hardware this is a never wet material

Step 8: Squeeze IT

squeeze the sealant until comes up

Step 9: Apply

apply the sealant into the pen so the glowing water will never spill

Step 10: Not Working?

put the uv light in the side so the water glow

Step 11: Much Better

this is what it looks like this can glow in the dark