Introduction: Homemade Mouse Trap ( Cheap and Easy )

About: I like pie.
this is the lowest costing mouse trap you could possiblly make. it doesnt hurt if it snaps on you.

what you need:
a minimum of 3 rubberbands
an altoids tin

Step 1: Making It

this is the easiest thing you counld make on instructables.

put the rubberbands around the CLOSED altoids tin. put them equaily apart. open the tin

Step 2: The Trickiest Part

open the tin. push the lid down past its point a little bit. it will be a bit trick to get set. once its done, it should stay open untill...

P.S. dont forget to put food in it...

Step 3: SNAP!!!!

when something goes to get the food, it has to mess with the rubberbands. this sets of the trap.