Introduction: Hot Glue Hurricane

About: the adventure continues
this is really just an idea, but I want to throw it up and see if anyone can make something with it. It involves a stick of hot glue, and a hot air gun. It's not a good(safe) idea

Step 1:

I was building something, and couldn't find my hot glue gun, so I held a hot air gun(actually a paint stripping gun, but I think even a hair dryer would work) up to a glue stick to melt it. It melted, but if I wasn't careful to continually rotate the stick, a drip of glue would come down, and get blown about 10 feet downwind. It makes these really cool trails of hot glue that harden very quickly into wierd squiggle patterns(possibly capturing the air currents they travel through?)

Step 2: Anyway, I Just Thought I'd Throw It Up Here and See What People Do With It. Be Careful Not to Burn Yourself, and Try It Out. Let Me Know What You Come Up With ( Happy Happy