Introduction: How to Build a Cardboard Action Figure
this instructable is how to build a cardboard action figure. Let's get started
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
you will need
1. lots of corrogated cardboard
2.lots of hot glue and hot glue gun
3. 5 big nails
4.paint (if you want)
5.strong scissors
6. something to cut nails with
1. lots of corrogated cardboard
2.lots of hot glue and hot glue gun
3. 5 big nails
4.paint (if you want)
5.strong scissors
6. something to cut nails with
Step 2: Making the Torso
you will need to cut out the basic shape of the torso about 16 times and glue together the layers.
the basic shape of the product and all of everything put together (just to give you a heads up, you can always just go off the picture.)
the basic shape of the product and all of everything put together (just to give you a heads up, you can always just go off the picture.)
Step 3: Making the Arms
look at the picture for the shape and cut out 16 to 20 of those and glue them together (measurements
don't really matter make the body parts as big ,small or whatever after all its your figure)
and you will have to do this twice for two arms
don't really matter make the body parts as big ,small or whatever after all its your figure)
and you will have to do this twice for two arms
Step 4: Making the Forearms
what we're doing her is making a basic rectangle in layers for the forearms cut out about 10 squares
glue them together and that is your forearms. Make sure you do this twice as well
glue them together and that is your forearms. Make sure you do this twice as well
Step 5: Making the Hands
look at he picture and get the shape down make 8 layers for each hand and glue together
to make a right and left just make 2 of the same and flip one upside down and make hand details
to make a right and left just make 2 of the same and flip one upside down and make hand details
Step 6: Making the Arms Move
put one nails through both of the upper arms like so
Step 7: Get the Torso Out
in this part i put a head on it I'm not going in to the head making part I'm leaving that up to you
Step 8: Making the Waist
glue 12 squares together to make the waist
Step 9: Making the Waist Pt.2
glue 5 medium sized rectangles together and glue to upper waist like so
Step 10: Make the Legs and Feet
look at picture to get the shape of legs layer 20 pieces of cardboard in shape of legs and glue together
to make feet just layer cardboard in a foot form and glue together
to make feet just layer cardboard in a foot form and glue together
Step 11: Test Fit Parts
look at picture ,the picture will show whats up push your parts together and the only nail that should stick out is at the the hip cut that one down or use smaller nail (your choice) i was lazy if everything works out paint add details and whatever and you are done