Introduction: How to Go Angling With a Fishing Rod & a Fishing Bobber

About: i would rather give a hand then discriminate,even if it is a minor. i do not post cheap shots anymore like i did when i was a boy , i have matured since a lot of these articles and do not make junk anymore , b…
how to go angling witha fishing rod & a fishing bobber

 first i would like to say fishing & angling is a game, a sport & a hobby  hope you catch lots of fish of course you probbly will catch some with this instructable

you need

a fishing rod all set up & ready ( with fishing line ) , a  , a fishing bobber , some bait live bait or not real bait ( which ever is most legel ) , a hook with a weight on it

Step 1: How to Set It Up

first but the bait on the hook & attach it to the line then attach it to the bobber

Step 2: How to Cast the Line

how to cast to cast simply hold onto the line with your hand & or your finger & set the rod to be able to be thrown & then throw the line not the rod

Step 3: The Main Part of Fishing

first you got to wait for the bobber to bob up & down it could even happen once or more & time may vary & when this happens reel it in & then you have a choice you can eat the fish or you can release & possably enjoy to catch it again or possably another fisherman may enjoy  catching it & may eat it of course you should try not to eat to many & also save some so you can catch it again or so it can ley its eggs & have more to fish for ( & please do not touch nor put anything on those eggs ) just one aceptioin to the licence and only this one for all my articles and that is the endorsing so you can endorse any of my articles