Introduction: How to Make a Bullet W/ and W/o Shell Necklace or Key Chain
this is a bullet necklace i made because i had always wanted one
Step 1: Selecting the Bullet for Your Shell
select the bullet with the least damage to it and a shell to match
Step 2: Pop Out the Primer and Drill Hole
make shure that the primer is actualy dented and pop out with tool or screw driver then dill a hole all of the way through the shell right above the lip near the primer
Step 3: Adding the Bullet
next to add the bullet take the bullet and shell put them together hammer softly if needed
Step 4: Add Either the Key Ring or Necklace
Step 5: Done Last Note
finnished now you can do what ever you want to with your bullet accesories sell them or give them as gifts
ps some bullets may fall out so just use a punch and hammer and make small indents to keep bullets in
ps some bullets may fall out so just use a punch and hammer and make small indents to keep bullets in