Introduction: How to Make a Cheap Ni-cd,ni-mh Usb Charger

About: Hi. Ԁ: ʎzɐɹɔ ɯI
I know its not cheap to buy
an ni-cd,ni-mh charger so why not make one

Step 1: Materials

you wil need
battery holder(mine was salvaged from an old toy)
old usb connector
usb charger
soldering iron

Step 2: Cutting

cut the end of the usb it will reveal wires cut it all except red and black wires

Step 3: Joining

tie or solder the red wire to the positive terminal and blaack to negative

Step 4: Testing

connect it to the charger
plug the charger
try to put an led to test it but be careful
it might damage your led and it heats

Step 5: Watching

watch the video

Step 6: Enjoying

enjoy for and be happy see you

Step 7: Message

when done charging do not let the  usb connected to your charger  for a long time it might
discharge your battery.
you can also charge carbon batteries just put an eye to it.
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