Introduction: How to Make a Cool Catapult

About: I am a rocket and explosive fanatic.I love to make things with the tools in my dads shop.I make rubber band guns,paddle boats,crossbows and many other things.I also love to ride our go-cart.Only thing is,I fix…
This shows how to make a neat catapult.It is fun to build/play with on a rainy or boring day.If you want a game to play launch marshmallows into someones mouth.Sorry I only have one picture.My sister(she has the camera) doesn't understand the concept of a good instructable.She suggested that I make an instructable without pictures! I convinced her to take at least one.

Step 1: Materials

Alright.You are ready for the materials list.
popsicle stick.
bottle cap
clothes pin
flat piece of wood or cardboard
block of wood about 1 by 1
hot glue gun

Step 2: The Building

Take your clothes pin and glue it to the piece of wood or card board.This will be the base.Next,take your block of wood and glue it to the clothes pin. Then glue the Popsicle stick to the block of wood. Then take the bottle cap and glue it to the Popsicle stick.

Step 3: Firing:the Fun Part

Now,put your ping pong ball in the bottle cap.Pull down on the cap.Let go and watch the ball fly.If you are explosively inclined then make a cherry bomb out of a ping pong ball.When the fuse is almost gone then let go.BOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Remember to wear safety glasses(unlike the contributor)I once had the misfortune of both the bottle cap and the ping pong ball flying off and hitting me in the eye.Believe me,it hurt.You can modify it to make the balls fly further if you use a longer stick.A shorter stick will make it go up.