Introduction: How to Make a Fishing Can
OK have you ever wanted to go fishing but you don't have enough for a fishing rod? well im going to show you how to make a fishing device out of a soda can. Its very cheap to make! Think about it a soda can is pretty much free and worth a nickel!
Step 1: Materials
-Soda can (i used Pepsi)
-Fishing line or string (i used a 12 pound resistant string)
-Fishing hook(s) (you can use 2 if you want i used a small and a large one)
-scissors or cutting tool
-rock with a notch would be a good(used as a sinker, or u can buy a sinker)
-some good working hands
-Fishing line or string (i used a 12 pound resistant string)
-Fishing hook(s) (you can use 2 if you want i used a small and a large one)
-scissors or cutting tool
-rock with a notch would be a good(used as a sinker, or u can buy a sinker)
-some good working hands
Step 2: Attaching the String Onto the Soda Can
OK so what you want to do is push the tab or can opener on the can upward and put the fishing string through it. You want to get enough in there so that you can tie it tightly various times.
Step 3: Making Your Reel
To make your reel, wrap the string attached to the tab around the can not too tight and not too loose. Wrap about 30-50 feet around the can depending on how far you want it to go. after you have the string on there cut it and hold onto the end.
Step 4: Putting on the Sinker (rock)
Get your rock and wrap the fishing line around the rock's notches and bumps, so that the rock doesn't slip away. Put a few good knots on your sinker.
Step 5: Tying the Hooks
Stick your line through the hook leaving some extra line and use your favorite knot to tie the hook. Then add the second hook right below it.
Step 6: Now That Your Done!
Heres some instructions i drew up, I didnt have time to post up a video but i think you guys will get the idea. 1)Just point the can towards where you want it to go. 2)get an arm length of line in on hand and spin it backward. 3)keep the can in your direction you want it to go. 4) let go! and the sinker will cause it to cast pretty far. 5) To reel it in just roll it up quickly just like in step 3. (wear gloves if your going for big fish, the line can cut you.