Introduction: How to Make a Joystick Into a Mouse
this isnt really an instructable but it is incredibly cool. you get your gaming joystick, download some software and, voila you have a joystick as a mouse!
Step 1: Whot Ta Do
ok so, go to, and download the software, its clean dont worry. the interface is self explanatory but, just to be sure.....
extract the files from the zip download. open joy key.exe, create a configuration. set the left right and up down axies to MOUSE: 50 or 60. any more and it moves to fast, any less and it is painstakingly slow. I set the other buttons to left and right click, ctrl, space, enter and pg up, pg down. i have found these the most useful.
I use the stick for games that arent configured to joysticks (save a configuration for the game under the games name) I use it for browsing the web because you dont need to type that much and for lots more stuff that is cool to do on a stick rather than a touch pad or mouse.
Enjoy your new toy!!!!!!