Introduction: How to Make a Puppet With Stilt Arms
hey it's my first instruct able so don't get mad at me
what you need:
wire hangar
wire cutters
coke can
what you need:
wire hangar
wire cutters
coke can
Step 1: Making the Whole Body
fold felt in half , put your hand in, see if it fits well enough.
Step 2: The Arms O*f Truth
now is the string work. cut one long line at each side verticle wise. string those two sides at least 3 pieces of string each side.
Step 3: *****************t*h*e*********w**a**i**s**t**************
now cut two holes on each side where the torso is. one on the top another on the bottom for each side.
Step 4: The Head of All Seeing Eyes O_0
fold head in half whichever way you want this will be the shape of the head. next you add the eyes. put 2 holes on each side where you want the eyes put string to loop through and tie a knot.
Step 5: The Mouth to Eat Trash
Give a general description of the Step cut a rectangle for the mouth HALF a rectangle. cut a coke can all the way around. and cut a hole in each corner. cut a hole in each corner of the felt too. string all the holes in and you have a mouth.
Step 6: Legs (optional)
cut through the center of the bottom and string it like you did the arms.
Step 7: Wires to Move the Hands
cut a wire hangar with wire cutters so it makes two wires. fold the wire so it fits around the arms.
Step 8: The End