Introduction: How to Make a Wallet Chain
this is a tuttorial on how to make a highly durable yet cheap wallet chain
Step 1: Getting the Matirials
you are going to need:
-2 hands
-a dog chain collar
-a wallet
-1brain cell minimum
-and 1 small chain clip (2 if you dont have a wallet)
-2 hands
-a dog chain collar
-a wallet
-1brain cell minimum
-and 1 small chain clip (2 if you dont have a wallet)
Step 2: Cliping on the Clip
clip the clip on one ring if you have 2 clip them on both ends
Step 3: Putting on the Cain to Wallet
thred the ring end through the chain then wrap loop made around the wallet
Step 4: Clip the Cain
clip the chin onto your blet loop and there you go! (belt loops if its a no wallet look your going for)