Introduction: How to Make a Wooden Fingerboard

Step 1: Gluing Venner

get 5 peaces of venner and glue them togheter and put it un your mold or 2 teach decks then clamp the 2 teach decks or mold togheter and wait 12 hours or over night 

Step 2: Cutting the Deck and Sandig

when you take your deck out of the mold you will cutt it whit cissors or rufcutt the sand it down so it will get smoth 

Step 3: Drilling the Holes

take a teach deack and place it over your deck the use the 1.16 inch drill bit to drill the holes
then take the 1.8 drill bit and drill into the holes but not all the way thru the get som grip tape and put on and trucks and shred it =)