Introduction: How to Make Your Own Files

Hi, this is my first instructable, I hope to do more in future.

Well, basically my instructable is about how to easily make your own files that can be used for craft work or to the nail care.

In my case i built my own files to work on the modificacion of a computer mouse. Needless to say that it is extremely cheap make your own at home.

Step 1: First-Materials and Tools

 Materials we needed

- Tongue depressor (wood) $ 0.70/25pc
- Sandpaper (diferent grits) $ 1.00/sheet
- White Glue $ 2.00  / 4oz


- Pencil
- Cutter or scissors
- Clamps

Step 2: Second-Marking

First place our tounge depressor on the back of the sandpaper, then with help of a pencil mark the outline of the depressor.

Step 3: Third-Gluing

Now put some glue on the area you marked on the sandpaper and scatter with the same tongue depressor (or finger), then put the tongue depressor on paper with glue and push to get for the excess glue out.

Step 4: Fourth-Clamping

 To make things easier and to better fit our work we will help with the use of clamps to press, to put it another tongue depressor on the opposite side of the sandpaper an then put our clamps, and leave it for about 20 or 30 minutes and can remove the clamps.

Step 5: Fifth-Cutting and Finishing

Now with the help of a scissors or cutter cut the excess sandpaper, use the line marked above.

And finally the end product, we have our own homemade file.

Step 6: The Use

Here is a small part of how i use these files.

Thanks, I hope this will be useful