Introduction: How to Take Screen Shots

OK, i will show you how to take screen shot.
(this is my first instructble _)

Step 1: Firt You Need...

1.a photobucket account or you can just go to
2.a paint program

Step 2: Ok Now...

find the prt sc sys rq button... ya i know never head of it but it is their!
look at the pictures for help

Step 3: Congrads!!!

you found the button!!! right? toke me and hour T_T well lets keep going next open your paint program. For most people its a jar with paint brushes in it look in your programs to find it.
after that all you have to do is preses past and wala! your pic appears!!!

Step 4: Now You Have to Go To...

now go to your image hoster and upload it and show every one you good work!!!