Introduction: IPod Touch 3rd Gen Crystal-clear Cradle

About: Typical creative kid who took things apart; was mostly able to reassemble and often improve them. Dad modeled high degree of many capable skills, building and repairing almost anything, including bridges & sk…

Your 3rd gen iPod Touch will look as if it is floating from its perch on this crystal-clear cradle. You don't have to buy anything to make it if you have simple tools handy. This is an easy project.

A connectable data & power dock mod may also be possible by many handy folks familiar with this site. This instructable will concentrate on a pure viewing cradle.

If you click in succession on the series of photos for this intro, you can get a 360 degree view of the end result.


Step 1: Unpack Thin Platform From Clear 3rd Gen Box

The fall 2009 release of the  iTouch comes in a small clear box, very sleek and 'Apple cool.' Within is a minimalistic plastic platform that grips the top and bottom of this iPod for secure packing.  You can make a viewing cradle for your desktop out of this item, using nothing more than a slot cut into the lid of the box.

Remove the thin platform from the clear box. Leave the white cardboard flap inside. You can continue to store manual, headphones, etc. while using this cradle.

Step 2: Mark Lid for Slot

Hold the bottom edge of platform about 3/4" away from one of the long edges of the top of the clear box , centering it left to right. Using a dry-erase marker, mark the length for the slot you will be cutting. (the top of the platform has a barely visible indent over the power-off button, so be sure to orient it that way when you use your i-Touch in cradle; otherwise it may press on button.)

Step 3: Cut Slot Using Rotary Tool

 I used a Dremel rotary tool with a thin abrasive cutting tip to make the slot. When cutting, angle the cutter back, approx 30 degrees, away from the front edge.  The slot should be barely wider than the platform you will be inserting. Make 2 passes if need be. (You could also use a soldering iron with a knife-edge tip, run along a straightedge; but that will leave melted blobs for you to scrape off.)  I don't think a pure knife as a tool will give the best results, the plastic is pretty tough and the slot will probably come out poorly.

Step 4: Insert Platform

Take the platform and insert it in the slot. It should lean back at a nice viewing angle.

Step 5: Slip I-touch Into Platform

Place un-cased i-Touch into the two ledges of the platform. I find it easiest if I slip the top into the upper lip, and then snap the bottom of the i-Touch into the lower lip. This also avoids wear -and-tear on the power button.

Step 6: Enjoy!

Fire up a photo slideshow, or run your favorite clock app. The one I'm currently using stays on unless I change the screen, so I don't have to continually wake up the screen. (a free app from Piaget Polo, with various watch images that tell live time, including a sweep second hand.)

I think Apple could ship this box with a factory cut slot. It would make for nice in-store displays, though it would spoil the fun of doing it yourself!