Introduction: IRig Guitar Input (DIY)
you all know whats iRig and what it do and how to use it this is a simple diy that you can make on low cost
Step 1: Parts That You Gonna Need :
20nf 39k
3.5mm 4pole male audio jack 3.5mm female base.
1/4 inch aux base for guitar connection piece of perf board.
you can add ferrite bead its optional if its hard to find you can make circuit without it
Step 2: Tools That You Gonna Need :
soldering iron
soldering led
wire cutter some wires
Step 3: Schematics(Diagram) and Pinouts
Step 4: Final Circuit :)
my final circuit is look like this don't know about yours ****
Step 5: Finish Product
This is my iRig looks like make your own case for your iRig or 3D print one be creative and Good luck