Introduction: 15-Minute Halter Top (T-shirt Hacks Contest)

About: If anyone asks, I made the scale maille hauberk AFTER I learned I was going to a renaissance fair.

Need a halter top RIGHT FREAKING NOW? Here's how to make a stylish, no-sew top in just 15 minutes with an old T-shirt and a pair of scissors.

Step 1: You Will Need:

For this project you will need:

A T-shirt
A pair of scissors

I know, you might have to go to some kind of T-shirt-hacking specialty store to get these.

Step 2: Snippity Snip

Turn the T-shirt inside out and cut off the collar and sleeves, removing as little excess fabric as possible. If you want a lower neckline, you can cut a little more out of the front of the collar, but I would wait to do this until the end after you've tried it on. (You can always alter this shirt more later.)

Step 3: Cutting Out the Back

Make a straight cut along the imaginary line that connects the bottoms of the sleeve holes. Open this flap and lie it flat.

Step 4: Making the Straps

To start making the straps, start cutting on one side of the neck hole in a line that curves slightly towards the middle of the back panel. When you've done this on both sides, the straps should lie flat and make a rounded "V" shape with the neckline.

Step 5: Trimming the Straps

Trim along the straps until they are about three or four inches wide. Avoid cutting more fabric away from the body of the shirt.

Step 6: Wear and Enjoy!

Ta da! A stylish halter top in about 15 minutes.

T-Shirt Hacks

First Prize in the
T-Shirt Hacks

The Instructables Book Contest

Participated in the
The Instructables Book Contest