Introduction: 3d Printed Mechanical Iris

About: My name is Eammon Littler and I'm a college student interested in the field of engineering, robotics, and programming. 想像 (souzou) is the Japanese word for imagining, which I find myself constantly doing, and …

Here is my version of a 3d printed mechanical iris. Although I don't remember where I saw it first, I do remember wanting to make one. My first thought was to simply print one out from Thingiverse, but I didn't like any of the designs there, so I made my own. Here is the link to the 3d printed parts. The video below shows me assembling the parts with a hot glue gun. Feel free to replace hot glue with super glue. For those who are interested, I go into more detail on my website with the problems I faced when designing this.

Step 1: Assembly

Design For Kids Challenge

Participated in the
Design For Kids Challenge

Homemade Gifts Contest 2017

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest 2017