Introduction: 4*4*4 LED Cube Using Arduino Embedded Prototyping Platform

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And a one, and a two! Christmas, Christmas time is here! And so is the time give our homes a colourful festive makeover! This year, we’re going to up our home-decorating skills and add a touch of DIYing to it by making something totally unique! Presenting to you the DIY Flashing LED Cube - the coolest way to add some colour and light to your life and your home, that too with just some easy-peasy Japan-esy DIYing and some coding.

Ready for some electrifying decor?

Beginning in 3, 2, 1… Now!

Step 1: Things You'll Need

  • evive
  • LEDs
  • Thick Cardboard
  • Male to Male Jumper Cable
  • Soldering Iron

Step 2: The Platform

We will be making a platform or base upon which we will be making our cube. Also, this platform is used as a reference to make the levels or rows of the cube similar.

  • We will be taking a cardboard upon which we make holes of the size of the LED.
  • As we are going to make 4 x 4 x 4 LED Cube, we will need 16 LEDs in each row.
    Thus, the number of holes on cardboard will be 16.
  • Also, the distance between each hole is equal to the length of the leg of the LED.
  • Once you made the holes, draw the directions arrows as shown in the image.

NOTE: You can also make PVC Plate or Wooden Plank as the base.

Step 3: The Assembly of the LED

NOTE: It is a good practice once you check the LEDs before using them.

As mentioned above, the base will also be used a reference.

  • We will be inserting the LEDs in this hole.
  • But before that, make sure you bend the anode or the positive terminal of the LED slightly.
  • After you have inserted the LEDs bent the cathode of the LEDs completely horizontal along the direction given.
  • Once you have bent all the legs of the LED, it’s time to solder them.
  • Solder cathode of one LED to the cathode of the LED next to it.

Step 4: Making the Cube

Once you have soldered the LEDs, remove them from the base.

As we are going to make 4 x 4 x 4 Cube, we have one level ready with us. We need to make three more levels similarly. Once you have all the four levels with you. It’s time to connect them.

  • Place one level above the other and then solder the anode of the upper level to the corresponding anode of the lower level.
  • Connect all 16 anodes of Level 1 to Level 0.
  • Similarly, complete the cube.
  • On completing the cube, you will notice that the anodes of Level 0 are left unconnected.
  • Take 20 Male-to-Male Jumper Cables, connect 16 to the 16 remaining anodes of Level 0.
  • Take other 4 Jumper Cables and connect each of them to the cathode channel of each and every level.

Thus, we have successfully built our LED Cube.

Step 5: Connection With Evive and Code

Make the following connections with the evive.

NOTE: You can use the given image as a reference for the labeling.


L0 = A0
L1 = A1
L2 = A2
L3 = A3


0.0 = D13
0.1 = D12
0.2 = D11
0.3 = D10

1.0 = D9
1.1 = D8
1.2 = D7
1.3 = D6

2.0 = D5
2.1 = D4
2.2 = D3
2.3 = D2

3.0 = D1
3.1 = D0
3.2 = A5
3.3 = A4

After connecting, upload the following code for generating patterns in your cube.

Also, you can code it as you want.

Step 6: Conclusion

With this, your very own Flashing LED Cube is ready to electrify your home and make it Christmas-ready!

Make it Glow Contest 2018

Participated in the
Make it Glow Contest 2018