Introduction: Advanced Clinometer

About: I love to make useful things with the help of Scrap. Creative and Innovative one.

A Clinometer is a tool that is used to measure the angle of elevation, or angle from the ground, in a right - angled triangle. We can use a clinometer to measure the height of tall things that we can't possibly reach to the top of, flag poles, buildings, trees.

Step 1: Material Required

· Old Selfie Stick

· Full Protractor

· Laser

· One geared Motor

· One Toggle Switch

· Old Bulb Holder

· Wooden Piece

· Plastic Tube

· Two Batteries(1.5V AA)

· Screws

· Plastic Scrap

· Wire

Step 2: Stand Assembly

For Making Stand of the Clinometer I used old Selfie stick, Plastic Tube, Bulb Holder and Wooden Piece. First join the bottom of selfie Stick with the Plastic Tube and mount it on the wooden piece with the help of bulb holder.

Step 3: Motor Assembly

For Making Motor Assembly, join a charging pin at the terminal of the motor.

Step 4: Protractor Assembly

For Making Protractor assembly we need a full protractor. First mark the nut dimension on it with the help of marker to make it fit on the geared motor. Then attach it with the selfie stick Stand with the help of Screws and fix the Geared Motor at the Protractor Centre.

Step 5: Laser Light Assembly

For Making Laser Light Assembly We need a laser light along with button cells to glow it, pen cap and wire. Take a plastic wheel that can be easily fitted on the motor shaft. Paste the Laser Light on this Wheel. Make a pointer with the help of a plastic gear and a rubber scrap that can be fit on the outer face of laser light to indicate the Angle on the Protractor.

Step 6: Toggle Switch Assembly

For Making Toggle Switch Assembly we need a toggle switch that is used to operate motor in clockwise and counter-clockwise direction, an old adapter- here I used a scraped one, Battery Holder, wires. First make a circular hole to place toggle Switch handle on the adapter. Put the batteries (1.5V AA). Join the connections of switch as shown in image.

Step 7: Calculation

As the main aim of this instrument is to measure the Height of buildings, trees or extremely long objects. So, we need certain formulation for it.

Suppose, we need to find the height of a object AD as shown in fig. Here we have:

h= Height of the Clinometer from centre of protractor to the bottom base.

H= Height of the object

x= Distance between E and D

y= distance between base of building and Clinometer

ø1 = Angle made by laser beam towards top end of the object.

ø2 = Angle made by laser beam towards bottom end of the object.


We know that,

Tan ø = Perpendicular/Base

Tan ø1 = (DE/EC) = (DE/AE)= X/y ……………….(1)

Tan ø2 = (AB/CB) = y/h …………………………(2)

X = y x Tan ø1

y= h x Tan ø2


X = h x Tan ø2 x Tan ø1 ..................................................... from equation (1) and (2)


X = h. Tan ø2 .Tan ø1 …………………………………..(3)

Now, total height of the Object, H= h + X ……………(4)

From equation (3) and (4) we have,

H = h + h. Tan ø2 .Tan ø1

Or ,

So, this is shown from the Formula that we need to find the Value of angles ø2 and ø1 from to calculate the Height of the Object.

NOTE: h= Height of the Clinometer from centre of protractor to the bottom base, which can be measured with the help of scale.


H = h (1 + Tan ø2 .Tan ø1)

Step 8: Working

As shown the original height of the object is 31.8 cm.(measured from scale)

The value of ø1= 20 deg. and ø2 =(329-270)=59 deg.

Then, Tan ø1=0.36397

And, Tan ø2= 1.66427

h= Height of the Clinometer from centre of protractor to the bottom base= 19.7 cm (As measured from Scale) while its height can be varies from 19.7 cm to 57 cm depending upon object.

Now, height of the object

H= h (1 + Tan ø2 .Tan ø1)

H =19.7(1+ (1.66427 x 0.36397))

H = 19.7 x 1.60574

H =31.63 cm (calculated value) which is nearly equal to measured value (=31.8 cm).

% error = ((31.8-31.63)x100)/31.8 =0.53

Conclusion: The Advanced Clinometer measured the nearby accurate value of the object.

Invention Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Invention Challenge 2017